5 Best Games To Increase/ Boost Typing Speed

Games To increase Typing Speed. The fact that practice makes perfect is undeniable. However, learning a new imperative skill may not really be exciting for everyone, some people may end up seeing it as a chore and along the line get overwhelmed by boredom. Learning how to type is no exception to this probability. However, thanks to provisions like typing games, amateur typists with the aim of becoming pros can overcome boredom / the chore-like feeling and finally end up being pros.

Essentially, typing games, are games that require the player to type strings of text to perform actions. It could be a racing game, shooting game, or jumping game, the possibilities are basically endless. I.e, imagine the speed of your car being dependent on how fast your car moves, certainly you would want to type as fast as you can, to keep your car on the go.


There are a plethora of these typing games out there, which means you will need to invest a lot of time in finding suitable ones. Well, this is where this article on the best games to increase / boost typing speed comes into play. Here you will be provided with a comprehensive list of games you can play to improve your typing speeds.

1. Typing Of The Dead:

Typing of the Dead is a zombie game, where the player must type certain words, sentences, and phrases to eliminate enemies. These required strings of text are placed near the enemy. As you go higher in levels, the player is required to type more complex string texts, which in turn will strengthen your typing skills.

Moving on, Typing Dead has arcade and multiplayer modes. The multiplayer mode interests me a lot because there you will battle with other players, in a game of who types faster. Such challenges can help strengthen your zest towards learning to type fast.

2. Goose Typing Attack:

Best Games To Increase/ Boost Typing Speed

In the game typing attack, you assume the role of an angry goose, whose aim is to defend itself against the attack of enemies, which in this case are humans that can be frightened. In order to get closer to the human, you are required to type certain words fast, on the other way round, typing slowly or typing with errors, will slow your character down.

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The game’s graphics appearance isn’t top-notch, but it does the work of helping you improve your typing speed, which is the primary goal here.

3. Cute Jumper:

Best Games To Increase/ Boost Typing Speed

Still on the topic of best games to increase / boost typing speed, Cute Jumper is another highly recommended game for enthusiats with the desire to learn to type fast and accurately on the keyboard.

As its name sort of illustrates, the game Cute Jumper is a game where the player has to get the character to jump. In this case, the character jumps onto a floating island. To initiate the jump, the player must type the provided phrases. In my opinion, continuously playing this game, will improve your typing speed and accuracy.

4. Type Racer:

Enter a primarily mutilplayer typing game. Type Racer is a car racing game, in which the player are expected to type fast in order to reach the finish line before their oponents. Like I mentioned earlier, I see mutiplayer competitions as a huge boost to wanting to improve your typing skills.

The Typer Racer game can be played onine with peope from different part of the world, with typist skilled at different levels. The game also has a provision to show players their  current words-per-minute(wpm) allowing you know your skill level.

5. Desert Typing Racer:

Best Games To Increase/ Boost Typing Speed

Last but certainly not least, is the game Desert Typing Racer. Similar to the afforementioned Typer Racer, Desrt Typing Racer, also requires that you type to make advances in your racing game.

The advances here, isn’t really focused on speed, but on your ability to avoid colliding with the cars in front of you.

wrapping up: There you have it – a comprehensive list of best games to increase typing speed. If you have other recommendations, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.


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